Convert a number of destructors to default synthesized functions. Try to inline a few instances into the header. It should be possible to inline all of them, however, gcc seems to emit a number of warnings. Furthermore, some of the destructors are pure-virtualed, but provide an implementation. Placing the definition into the header causes ODR violations.
405 lines
15 KiB
405 lines
15 KiB
/* vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et foldmethod=syntax : */
* Copyright (c) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Ciaran McCreesh
* This file is part of the Paludis package manager. Paludis is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
* Public License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* Paludis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
* Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <paludis/repositories/e/check_fetched_files_visitor.hh>
#include <paludis/repositories/e/memoised_hashes.hh>
#include <paludis/repositories/e/source_uri_finder.hh>
#include <paludis/repositories/e/e_repository_id.hh>
#include <paludis/repositories/e/e_repository_params.hh>
#include <paludis/repositories/e/manifest2_reader.hh>
#include <paludis/dep_spec.hh>
#include <paludis/environment.hh>
#include <paludis/package_id.hh>
#include <paludis/repository.hh>
#include <paludis/about.hh>
#include <paludis/action.hh>
#include <paludis/util/system.hh>
#include <paludis/util/pimp-impl.hh>
#include <paludis/util/fs_stat.hh>
#include <paludis/util/log.hh>
#include <paludis/util/join.hh>
#include <paludis/util/save.hh>
#include <paludis/util/stringify.hh>
#include <paludis/util/digest_registry.hh>
#include <paludis/util/make_named_values.hh>
#include <paludis/util/sequence.hh>
#include <paludis/util/map.hh>
#include <paludis/util/wrapped_forward_iterator.hh>
#include <paludis/util/indirect_iterator-impl.hh>
#include <paludis/util/safe_ifstream.hh>
#include <paludis/output_manager.hh>
#include <algorithm>
#include <list>
#include <set>
using namespace paludis;
using namespace paludis::erepository;
namespace paludis
template <>
struct Imp<CheckFetchedFilesVisitor>
const Environment * const env;
const std::shared_ptr<const PackageID> id;
const FSPath distdir;
const bool check_unneeded;
const bool exclude_unmirrorable;
const bool ignore_unfetched;
const bool ignore_not_in_manifest;
std::set<std::string> done;
const std::shared_ptr<Sequence<FetchActionFailure> > failures;
bool need_nofetch;
bool in_nofetch;
const std::shared_ptr<Manifest2Reader> m2r;
const UseManifest use_manifest;
const std::shared_ptr<OutputManager> output_manager;
const Environment * const e,
const std::shared_ptr<const PackageID> & i,
const FSPath & d,
const bool c,
const bool n,
const FSPath & m2,
const UseManifest um,
const std::shared_ptr<OutputManager> & md,
const bool x,
const bool u,
const bool nm) :
const Environment * const e,
const std::shared_ptr<const PackageID> & i,
const FSPath & d,
const bool c,
const bool n,
const FSPath & m2,
const UseManifest um,
const std::shared_ptr<OutputManager> & md,
const bool x,
const bool u,
const bool nm) :
_imp(e, i, d, c, n, m2, um, md, x, u, nm)
CheckFetchedFilesVisitor::~CheckFetchedFilesVisitor() = default;
CheckFetchedFilesVisitor::visit(const FetchableURISpecTree::NodeType<ConditionalDepSpec>::Type & node)
Save<bool> save_in_nofetch(&_imp->in_nofetch, _imp->in_nofetch);
if ((_imp->check_unneeded) || (node.spec()->condition_met(_imp->env, _imp->id)))
std::for_each(indirect_iterator(node.begin()), indirect_iterator(node.end()), accept_visitor(*this));
CheckFetchedFilesVisitor::visit(const FetchableURISpecTree::NodeType<AllDepSpec>::Type & node)
Save<bool> save_in_nofetch(&_imp->in_nofetch, _imp->in_nofetch);
std::for_each(indirect_iterator(node.begin()), indirect_iterator(node.end()), accept_visitor(*this));
struct InNoFetchVisitor
bool result;
InNoFetchVisitor() :
void visit(const URIMirrorsOnlyLabel &)
void visit(const URIManualOnlyLabel &)
result = true;
void visit(const URIMirrorsThenListedLabel &)
void visit(const URILocalMirrorsOnlyLabel &)
result = true;
void visit(const URIListedOnlyLabel &)
void visit(const URIListedThenMirrorsLabel &)
CheckFetchedFilesVisitor::visit(const FetchableURISpecTree::NodeType<URILabelsDepSpec>::Type & node)
InNoFetchVisitor v;
std::for_each(indirect_iterator(node.spec()->begin()), indirect_iterator(node.spec()->end()), accept_visitor(v));
_imp->in_nofetch = v.result;
CheckFetchedFilesVisitor::check_distfile_manifest(const FSPath & distfile)
if (_imp->m2r->begin() == _imp->m2r->end())
switch (_imp->use_manifest)
case manifest_use:
case manifest_ignore:
Log::get_instance()->message("e.manifest.empty", ll_debug, lc_context) << "Empty or non-existent Manifest file";
return true;
case manifest_require:
case last_manifest:
n::failed_automatic_fetching() = false,
n::failed_integrity_checks() = "No Manifest available",
n::requires_manual_fetching() = false,
n::target_file() = stringify(distfile.basename())
return false;
if (manifest_ignore == _imp->use_manifest)
return true;
bool found(false), hashed(false);
for (Manifest2Reader::ConstIterator m(_imp->m2r->begin()), m_end(_imp->m2r->end()) ;
m != m_end ; ++m)
if (distfile.basename() != m->name())
found = true;
FSStat distfile_stat(distfile);
Log::get_instance()->message("e.manifest.size", ll_debug, lc_context)
<< "Actual size = " << distfile_stat.file_size()
<< "; Manifest file size = " << m->size();
if (distfile_stat.file_size() != m->size())
Log::get_instance()->message("e.manifest.no_size", ll_debug, lc_context)
<< "Malformed Manifest: no file size found";
_imp->output_manager->stdout_stream() << "incorrect size";
n::failed_automatic_fetching() = false,
n::failed_integrity_checks() = "Incorrect file size",
n::requires_manual_fetching() = false,
n::target_file() = stringify(distfile.basename())
return false;
SafeIFStream file_stream(distfile);
MemoisedHashes * hashes = MemoisedHashes::get_instance();
for (Map<std::string, std::string>::ConstIterator it(m->hashes()->begin()),
it_end(m->hashes()->end()); it_end != it; ++it)
if (! DigestRegistry::get_instance()->get(it->first))
Log::get_instance()->message("e.manifest.checksum.unsupported", ll_warning, lc_context)
<< "Manifest hash function '" + it->first + "' is not supported";
std::string hexsum(hashes->get(it->first, distfile, file_stream));
if (hexsum != it->second)
Log::get_instance()->message("e.manifest.checksum.failure", ll_debug, lc_context)
<< "Malformed Manifest: failed " << it->first << " checksum";
_imp->output_manager->stdout_stream() << "failed " << it->first;
n::failed_automatic_fetching() = false,
n::failed_integrity_checks() = "Failed " + it->first + " checksum",
n::requires_manual_fetching() = false,
n::target_file() = stringify(distfile.basename())
return false;
Log::get_instance()->message("e.manifest.checksum.result", ll_debug, lc_context)
<< "Actual " << it->first << " = " << hexsum;
hashed = true;
catch (const SafeIFStreamError &)
_imp->output_manager->stdout_stream() << "unreadable file";
n::failed_automatic_fetching() = true,
n::failed_integrity_checks() = "Unreadable file",
n::requires_manual_fetching() = false,
n::target_file() = stringify(distfile.basename())
return false;
if ((! found) && (! _imp->ignore_not_in_manifest))
_imp->output_manager->stdout_stream() << "not in Manifest";
n::failed_automatic_fetching() = false,
n::failed_integrity_checks() = "Not in Manifest",
n::requires_manual_fetching() = false,
n::target_file() = stringify(distfile.basename())
return false;
if (found && ! hashed)
_imp->output_manager->stdout_stream() << "no supported hashes in Manifest";
n::failed_automatic_fetching() = false,
n::failed_integrity_checks() = "No supported hashes in Manifest",
n::requires_manual_fetching() = false,
n::target_file() = stringify(distfile.basename())
return false;
return true;
CheckFetchedFilesVisitor::visit(const FetchableURISpecTree::NodeType<FetchableURIDepSpec>::Type & node)
Context context("When visiting URI dep spec '" + stringify(node.spec()->text()) + "':");
if (_imp->done.end() != _imp->done.find(node.spec()->filename()))
Log::get_instance()->message("e.check_fetched_files.already_checked", ll_debug, lc_context)
<< "Already checked '" << node.spec()->filename() << "'";
_imp->output_manager->stdout_stream() << "Checking '" << node.spec()->filename() << "'... " << std::flush;
FSStat distfile_stat(_imp->distdir / node.spec()->filename());
if (! distfile_stat.is_regular_file())
if (_imp->in_nofetch)
if (! _imp->exclude_unmirrorable)
Log::get_instance()->message("e.check_fetched_files.requires_manual", ll_debug, lc_context)
<< "Manual fetch required for '" << node.spec()->filename() << "'";
_imp->output_manager->stdout_stream() << "requires manual fetch";
_imp->need_nofetch = true;
n::failed_automatic_fetching() = false,
n::failed_integrity_checks() = "",
n::requires_manual_fetching() = true,
n::target_file() = node.spec()->filename()
else if (! _imp->ignore_unfetched)
Log::get_instance()->message("e.check_fetched_files.does_not_exist", ll_debug, lc_context)
<< "Automatic fetch failed for '" << node.spec()->filename() << "'";
_imp->output_manager->stdout_stream() << "does not exist";
n::failed_automatic_fetching() = true,
n::failed_integrity_checks() = "",
n::requires_manual_fetching() = false,
n::target_file() = node.spec()->filename()
_imp->output_manager->stdout_stream() << "not fetched yet";
else if (0 == distfile_stat.file_size())
Log::get_instance()->message("e.check_fetched_files.empty", ll_debug, lc_context) << "Empty file for '" << node.spec()->filename() << "'";
_imp->output_manager->stdout_stream() << "empty file";
n::failed_automatic_fetching() = false,
n::failed_integrity_checks() = "SIZE (empty file)",
n::requires_manual_fetching() = false,
n::target_file() = node.spec()->filename()
else if (! check_distfile_manifest(_imp->distdir / node.spec()->filename()))
Log::get_instance()->message("e.check_fetched_files.failure", ll_debug, lc_context)
<< "Manifest check failed for '" << node.spec()->filename() << "'";
Log::get_instance()->message("e.check_fetched_files.success", ll_debug, lc_context) << "Success for '" << node.spec()->filename() << "'";
_imp->output_manager->stdout_stream() << "ok";
_imp->output_manager->stdout_stream() << std::endl;
const std::shared_ptr<const Sequence<FetchActionFailure> >
CheckFetchedFilesVisitor::failures() const
return _imp->failures;
CheckFetchedFilesVisitor::need_nofetch() const
return _imp->need_nofetch;