Saleem Abdulrasool 64ba7d5be8 modernize: use default method synthesis
Convert a number of destructors to default synthesized functions.  Try to
inline a few instances into the header.  It should be possible to inline all of
them, however, gcc seems to emit a number of warnings.  Furthermore, some of the
destructors are pure-virtualed, but provide an implementation.  Placing the
definition into the header causes ODR violations.
2016-08-06 11:58:04 -07:00

621 lines
22 KiB

/* vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et foldmethod=syntax : */
* Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011 Ciaran McCreesh
* This file is part of the Paludis package manager. Paludis is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
* Public License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* Paludis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
* Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <paludis/paludislike_options_conf.hh>
#include <paludis/util/pimp-impl.hh>
#include <paludis/util/hashes.hh>
#include <paludis/util/named_value.hh>
#include <paludis/util/stringify.hh>
#include <paludis/util/config_file.hh>
#include <paludis/util/options.hh>
#include <paludis/util/wrapped_forward_iterator.hh>
#include <paludis/util/tokeniser.hh>
#include <paludis/util/log.hh>
#include <paludis/util/iterator_funcs.hh>
#include <paludis/util/make_named_values.hh>
#include <paludis/util/set.hh>
#include <paludis/util/active_object_ptr.hh>
#include <paludis/util/deferred_construction_ptr.hh>
#include <paludis/choice.hh>
#include <paludis/dep_spec.hh>
#include <paludis/name.hh>
#include <paludis/user_dep_spec.hh>
#include <paludis/match_package.hh>
#include <paludis/package_id.hh>
#include <paludis/environment.hh>
#include <paludis/spec_tree.hh>
#include <paludis/package_dep_spec_properties.hh>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace paludis;
* Syntax:
* spec|set foo -bar -* baz=value (forced) (-masked)
* spec|set blah: foo -bar -* baz=value (forced) (-masked)
* Lines in the form 'spec foo blah: baz' are treated as two lines, 'spec foo'
* and 'spec blah: baz'.
* Specific cat/pkg specs have highest priority, followed by named sets,
* followed by wildcards.
namespace paludis
namespace n
typedef Name<struct name_equals_value> equals_value;
typedef Name<struct name_locked> locked;
typedef Name<struct name_minus> minus;
typedef Name<struct name_minus_star> minus_star;
typedef Name<struct name_prefix> prefix;
typedef Name<struct name_set_name> set_name;
typedef Name<struct name_set_value> set_value;
typedef Name<struct name_spec> spec;
typedef Name<struct name_unprefixed_name> unprefixed_name;
typedef Name<struct name_values> values;
typedef Name<struct name_values_groups> values_groups;
struct Value
NamedValue<n::equals_value, std::string> equals_value;
NamedValue<n::locked, bool> locked;
NamedValue<n::minus, bool> minus;
NamedValue<n::unprefixed_name, UnprefixedChoiceName> unprefixed_name;
bool operator== (const Value & other) const
return unprefixed_name() == other.unprefixed_name();
std::size_t hash() const
return Hash<UnprefixedChoiceName>()(unprefixed_name());
typedef std::unordered_multiset<Value, Hash<Value> > Values;
struct ValuesGroup
NamedValue<n::minus_star, bool> minus_star;
NamedValue<n::prefix, ChoicePrefixName> prefix;
NamedValue<n::values, Values> values;
typedef std::list<ValuesGroup> ValuesGroups;
struct SpecWithValuesGroups
NamedValue<n::spec, PackageDepSpec> spec;
NamedValue<n::values_groups, ValuesGroups> values_groups;
typedef std::list<SpecWithValuesGroups> SpecsWithValuesGroups;
struct SetNameWithValuesGroups
NamedValue<n::set_name, SetName> set_name;
NamedValue<n::set_value, ActiveObjectPtr<DeferredConstructionPtr<std::shared_ptr<const SetSpecTree> > > > set_value;
NamedValue<n::values_groups, ValuesGroups> values_groups;
typedef std::list<SetNameWithValuesGroups> SetNamesWithValuesGroups;
typedef std::unordered_map<QualifiedPackageName, SpecsWithValuesGroups, Hash<QualifiedPackageName> > SpecificSpecs;
const std::shared_ptr<const SetSpecTree> make_set_value(
const Environment * const env,
const FSPath & from,
const SetName name)
std::shared_ptr<const SetSpecTree> result(env->set(name));
if (! result)
Log::get_instance()->message("paludislike_options_conf.bad_set", ll_warning, lc_context)
<< "Set '" << name << "' in '" << from << "' does not exist";
result = std::make_shared<SetSpecTree>(std::make_shared<AllDepSpec>());
return result;
namespace paludis
template <>
struct Imp<PaludisLikeOptionsConf>
const PaludisLikeOptionsConfParams params;
SpecificSpecs specific_specs;
SetNamesWithValuesGroups set_specs;
SpecsWithValuesGroups wildcard_specs;
Imp(const PaludisLikeOptionsConfParams & p) :
PaludisLikeOptionsConf::PaludisLikeOptionsConf(const PaludisLikeOptionsConfParams & params) :
PaludisLikeOptionsConf::~PaludisLikeOptionsConf() = default;
PaludisLikeOptionsConf::add_file(const FSPath & f)
Context context("When adding '" + stringify(f) + "':");
const std::shared_ptr<const LineConfigFile> file(_imp->params.make_config_file()(f, { }));
if (! file)
for (LineConfigFile::ConstIterator line(file->begin()), line_end(file->end()) ;
line != line_end ; ++line)
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
tokenise_whitespace_quoted(*line, std::back_inserter(tokens));
if (tokens.size() < 2)
ValuesGroups * values_groups(nullptr);
std::shared_ptr<PackageDepSpec> d(std::make_shared<PackageDepSpec>(parse_user_package_dep_spec(
tokens.at(0), _imp->params.environment(),
{ updso_allow_wildcards, updso_no_disambiguation, updso_throw_if_set })));
if (d->additional_requirements_ptr())
Log::get_instance()->message("paludislike_options_conf.bad_spec", ll_warning, lc_context)
<< "Dependency specification '" << stringify(*d)
<< "' includes use requirements, which cannot be used in '" << f << "'";
if (d->package_ptr())
SpecificSpecs::iterator i(_imp->specific_specs.insert(std::make_pair(
values_groups = &i->second.insert(i->second.end(),
n::spec() = *d,
n::values_groups() = ValuesGroups()
values_groups = &_imp->wildcard_specs.insert(_imp->wildcard_specs.end(),
n::spec() = *d,
n::values_groups() = ValuesGroups()
catch (const GotASetNotAPackageDepSpec &)
SetName n(tokens.at(0));
values_groups = &_imp->set_specs.insert(_imp->set_specs.end(),
n::set_name() = n,
n::set_value() = DeferredConstructionPtr<std::shared_ptr<const SetSpecTree> >(
std::bind(&make_set_value, _imp->params.environment(), f, n)),
n::values_groups() = ValuesGroups()
if (! values_groups)
throw InternalError(PALUDIS_HERE, "huh?");
ValuesGroup * values_group(nullptr);
for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator t(next(tokens.begin())), t_end(tokens.end()) ;
t != t_end ; ++t)
if (t->empty())
if (':' == t->at(t->length() - 1))
/* foo: */
std::string p;
std::transform(t->begin(), previous(t->end()), std::back_inserter(p), &::tolower);
values_group = &*values_groups->insert(values_groups->end(), make_named_values<ValuesGroup>(
n::minus_star() = false,
n::prefix() = ChoicePrefixName(p),
n::values() = Values()
/* if we don't have a foo: active, make one */
if (! values_group)
values_group = &*values_groups->insert(values_groups->end(), make_named_values<ValuesGroup>(
n::minus_star() = false,
n::prefix() = ChoicePrefixName(""),
n::values() = Values()
if ("-*" == *t)
/* -* */
values_group->minus_star() = true;
/* (something) is legal */
bool locked(false);
if ('(' == t->at(0) && ')' == t->at(t->length() - 1))
if (! _imp->params.allow_locking())
throw ConfigurationError("Locking on '" + *t + "' not allowed in '" + stringify(f) + "'");
locked = true;
*t = t->substr(1, t->length() - 2);
if ('-' == t->at(0))
/* -bar */
n::equals_value() = "",
n::locked() = locked,
n::minus() = true,
n::unprefixed_name() = UnprefixedChoiceName(t->substr(1))
std::string::size_type equals_p(t->find('='));
if (std::string::npos == equals_p)
/* foo */
n::equals_value() = "",
n::locked() = locked,
n::minus() = false,
n::unprefixed_name() = UnprefixedChoiceName(*t)
/* foo=blah */
n::equals_value() = t->substr(equals_p + 1),
n::locked() = locked,
n::minus() = false,
n::unprefixed_name() = UnprefixedChoiceName(t->substr(0, equals_p))
bool match_anything(const PackageDepSpec & spec)
return package_dep_spec_has_properties(spec, make_named_values<PackageDepSpecProperties>(
n::has_additional_requirements() = false,
n::has_category_name_part() = false,
n::has_from_repository() = false,
n::has_in_repository() = false,
n::has_installable_to_path() = false,
n::has_installable_to_repository() = false,
n::has_installed_at_path() = false,
n::has_package() = false,
n::has_package_name_part() = false,
n::has_slot_requirement() = false,
n::has_tag() = false,
n::has_version_requirements() = false
void check_values_groups(
const Environment * const,
const std::shared_ptr<const PackageID> &,
const ChoicePrefixName & prefix,
const UnprefixedChoiceName & unprefixed_name,
const ValuesGroups & values_groups,
bool & seen_minus_star,
std::pair<Tribool, bool> & result_state,
std::string & result_value)
for (const auto & values_group : values_groups)
if (values_group.prefix() != prefix)
seen_minus_star = seen_minus_star || values_group.minus_star();
std::pair<Values::const_iterator, Values::const_iterator> range(values_group.values().equal_range(
n::equals_value() = "",
n::locked() = false,
n::minus() = false,
n::unprefixed_name() = unprefixed_name
for ( ; range.first != range.second ; ++range.first)
if (range.first->minus())
result_state = std::make_pair(Tribool(false), range.first->locked());
result_state = std::make_pair(Tribool(true), range.first->locked());
if (! (range.first->equals_value().empty()))
result_value = range.first->equals_value();
void collect_known_from_values_groups(
const Environment * const,
const std::shared_ptr<const PackageID> &,
const ChoicePrefixName & prefix,
const ValuesGroups & values_groups,
const std::shared_ptr<Set<UnprefixedChoiceName> > & known)
for (const auto & values_group : values_groups)
if (values_group.prefix() != prefix)
for (const auto & v : values_group.values())
void check_specs_with_values_groups(
const Environment * const env,
const std::shared_ptr<const PackageID> & maybe_id,
const ChoicePrefixName & prefix,
const UnprefixedChoiceName & unprefixed_name,
const SpecsWithValuesGroups & specs_with_values_groups,
bool & seen_minus_star,
std::pair<Tribool, bool> & result_state,
std::string & result_value)
for (const auto & specs_with_values_group : specs_with_values_groups)
if (maybe_id)
if (! match_package(*env, specs_with_values_group.spec(), maybe_id, nullptr, { }))
if (! match_anything(specs_with_values_group.spec()))
check_values_groups(env, maybe_id, prefix, unprefixed_name, specs_with_values_group.values_groups(),
seen_minus_star, result_state, result_value);
void collect_known_from_specs_with_values_groups(
const Environment * const env,
const std::shared_ptr<const PackageID> & maybe_id,
const ChoicePrefixName & prefix,
const SpecsWithValuesGroups & specs_with_values_groups,
const std::shared_ptr<Set<UnprefixedChoiceName> > & known)
for (const auto & specs_with_values_group : specs_with_values_groups)
if (maybe_id)
if (! match_package(*env, specs_with_values_group.spec(), maybe_id, nullptr, { }))
if (! match_anything(specs_with_values_group.spec()))
collect_known_from_values_groups(env, maybe_id, prefix, specs_with_values_group.values_groups(), known);
const std::pair<Tribool, bool>
const std::shared_ptr<const PackageID> & maybe_id,
const ChoicePrefixName & prefix,
const UnprefixedChoiceName & unprefixed_name
) const
Context context("When checking state of flag prefix '" + stringify(prefix) +
"' name '" + stringify(unprefixed_name) + "' for '" +
(maybe_id ? stringify(*maybe_id) : "*/*") + "':");
bool seen_minus_star(false);
std::pair<Tribool, bool> result(indeterminate, false);
std::string dummy;
/* Any specific matches? */
if (maybe_id)
SpecificSpecs::const_iterator i(_imp->specific_specs.find(maybe_id->name()));
if (i != _imp->specific_specs.end())
check_specs_with_values_groups(_imp->params.environment(), maybe_id, prefix, unprefixed_name, i->second,
seen_minus_star, result, dummy);
if (! result.first.is_indeterminate())
return result;
/* Any set matches? */
if (maybe_id && ! seen_minus_star)
for (SetNamesWithValuesGroups::const_iterator r(_imp->set_specs.begin()), r_end(_imp->set_specs.end()) ;
r != r_end ; ++r)
if (! match_package_in_set(*_imp->params.environment(), *r->set_value().value().value(),
maybe_id, { }))
check_values_groups(_imp->params.environment(), maybe_id, prefix, unprefixed_name, r->values_groups(),
seen_minus_star, result, dummy);
if (! result.first.is_indeterminate())
return result;
/* Wildcards? */
if (! seen_minus_star)
check_specs_with_values_groups(_imp->params.environment(), maybe_id, prefix, unprefixed_name,
_imp->wildcard_specs, seen_minus_star, result, dummy);
if (! result.first.is_indeterminate())
return result;
if (seen_minus_star)
return std::make_pair(Tribool(false), false);
return std::make_pair(Tribool(indeterminate), false);
const std::string
const std::shared_ptr<const PackageID> & id,
const ChoicePrefixName & prefix,
const UnprefixedChoiceName & unprefixed_name
) const
Context context("When checking value for flag prefix '" + stringify(prefix) +
"' name '" + stringify(unprefixed_name) + "' for '" + stringify(*id) + "':");
bool dummy_seen_minus_star(false);
std::pair<Tribool, bool> dummy_result;
std::string equals_value;
/* Any specific matches? */
SpecificSpecs::const_iterator i(_imp->specific_specs.find(id->name()));
if (i != _imp->specific_specs.end())
check_specs_with_values_groups(_imp->params.environment(), id, prefix, unprefixed_name, i->second,
dummy_seen_minus_star, dummy_result, equals_value);
if (! equals_value.empty())
return equals_value;
/* Any set matches? */
for (SetNamesWithValuesGroups::const_iterator r(_imp->set_specs.begin()), r_end(_imp->set_specs.end()) ;
r != r_end ; ++r)
if (! match_package_in_set(*_imp->params.environment(), *r->set_value().value().value(), id, { }))
check_values_groups(_imp->params.environment(), id, prefix, unprefixed_name, r->values_groups(),
dummy_seen_minus_star, dummy_result, equals_value);
if (! equals_value.empty())
return equals_value;
/* Wildcards? */
check_specs_with_values_groups(_imp->params.environment(), id, prefix, unprefixed_name, _imp->wildcard_specs,
dummy_seen_minus_star, dummy_result, equals_value);
if (! equals_value.empty())
return equals_value;
return "";
const std::shared_ptr<const Set<UnprefixedChoiceName> >
const std::shared_ptr<const PackageID> & maybe_id,
const ChoicePrefixName & prefix
) const
const std::shared_ptr<Set<UnprefixedChoiceName> > result(std::make_shared<Set<UnprefixedChoiceName>>());
/* Any specific matches? */
if (maybe_id)
SpecificSpecs::const_iterator i(_imp->specific_specs.find(maybe_id->name()));
if (i != _imp->specific_specs.end())
collect_known_from_specs_with_values_groups(_imp->params.environment(), maybe_id, prefix, i->second, result);
/* Any set matches? */
if (maybe_id)
for (SetNamesWithValuesGroups::const_iterator r(_imp->set_specs.begin()), r_end(_imp->set_specs.end()) ;
r != r_end ; ++r)
if (! match_package_in_set(*_imp->params.environment(), *r->set_value().value().value(),
maybe_id, { }))
collect_known_from_values_groups(_imp->params.environment(), maybe_id, prefix, r->values_groups(), result);
/* Wildcards? */
collect_known_from_specs_with_values_groups(_imp->params.environment(), maybe_id, prefix,
_imp->wildcard_specs, result);
return result;
namespace paludis
template class Pimp<PaludisLikeOptionsConf>;