Saleem Abdulrasool 64ba7d5be8 modernize: use default method synthesis
Convert a number of destructors to default synthesized functions.  Try to
inline a few instances into the header.  It should be possible to inline all of
them, however, gcc seems to emit a number of warnings.  Furthermore, some of the
destructors are pure-virtualed, but provide an implementation.  Placing the
definition into the header causes ODR violations.
2016-08-06 11:58:04 -07:00

198 lines
6.9 KiB

/* vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et foldmethod=syntax : */
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011 Ciaran McCreesh
* This file is part of the Paludis package manager. Paludis is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
* Public License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* Paludis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
* Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <paludis/args/args.hh>
#include <paludis/args/args_error.hh>
#include <algorithm>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
using namespace paludis;
using namespace paludis::args;
struct CommandLine : public ArgsHandler
ArgsGroup group_one;
SwitchArg arg_foo;
SwitchArg arg_bar;
SwitchArg arg_dummy;
SwitchArg arg_removed;
ArgsGroup group_two;
SwitchArg arg_baz;
AliasArg arg_other_baz;
StringArg arg_something;
StringArg arg_monkey;
AliasArg arg_other_monkey;
IntegerArg arg_somenum;
EnumArg arg_enum;
SwitchArg arg_spider;
SwitchArg arg_spy;
ArgsGroup group_three;
EnumArg arg_other_enum;
StringSetArg arg_stringset;
~CommandLine() override;
std::string app_name() const override
return "args_TEST";
std::string app_synopsis() const override
return "tests for args";
std::string app_description() const override
return "Tests args";
CommandLine::CommandLine() :
group_one(main_options_section(), "Group one", "Description of group one"),
arg_foo(&group_one, "foo", 'f', "Enable foo", false),
arg_bar(&group_one, "bar", 'b', "Enable bar", false),
arg_dummy(&group_one, "dummy", 'd', "Enable something else", false),
arg_removed(&group_one, "removed", 'r', "Removed", false),
group_two(main_options_section(), "Group two", "Description of group two"),
arg_baz(&group_two, "baz", 'z', "Enable baz", false),
arg_other_baz(&arg_baz, "other-baz"),
arg_something(&group_two, "something", 's', "Value of something"),
arg_monkey(&group_two, "monkey", 'm', "A monkey?"),
arg_other_monkey(&arg_monkey, "other-monkey"),
arg_somenum(&group_two, "num", 'n', "Some number"),
arg_enum(&group_two, "enum", 'e', "One of three",
EnumArg::EnumArgOptions("one", "Option one")("two", "option two")("three", "option three"), "two"),
arg_spider(&group_two, "spider", '\0', "A spider?", true),
arg_spy(&group_two, "spy", 'y', "A spy?", true),
group_three(main_options_section(), "Group three", "Description of group three"),
arg_other_enum(&group_three, "something-else", '\0', "Blah.", EnumArg::EnumArgOptions("a", "A")("b", "B")("c", "C"), "b"),
arg_stringset(&group_three, "stringset", 't', "A StringSet.")
CommandLine::~CommandLine() = default;
TEST(Args, Simple)
const char * args[] = { "program-name", "--other-monkey", "chimp", "--other-baz", "--spider", "--no-spider", "--spy", "+y",
"-fsne", "blah", "7", "three", "--", "--dummy", "one", "two" };
CommandLine c1;
c1.run(16, args, "", "", "");
EXPECT_TRUE(! c1.arg_bar.specified());
EXPECT_TRUE(c1.arg_something.argument() == "blah");
EXPECT_TRUE(c1.arg_somenum.argument() == 7);
EXPECT_TRUE(c1.arg_enum.argument() == "three");
EXPECT_TRUE(! c1.arg_dummy.specified());
EXPECT_TRUE(! c1.arg_other_enum.specified());
EXPECT_TRUE(c1.arg_other_enum.argument() == "b");
EXPECT_TRUE(c1.arg_monkey.argument() == "chimp");
EXPECT_TRUE(! c1.arg_spider.specified());
EXPECT_TRUE(! c1.arg_spy.specified());
ASSERT_EQ(3, std::distance(c1.begin_parameters(), c1.end_parameters()));
EXPECT_EQ("--dummy", *c1.begin_parameters());
EXPECT_EQ("one", *++c1.begin_parameters());
EXPECT_EQ("two", *++(++(c1.begin_parameters())));
TEST(Args, MissingParameters)
const char *args[] = { "program-name", "-e" };
CommandLine c1;
EXPECT_THROW(c1.run(2, args, "", "", ""), MissingValue);
TEST(Args, NoNo)
const char *args[] = { "program-name", "--no-num" };
const char *args2[] = { "program-name", "+f" };
CommandLine c1;
EXPECT_THROW(c1.run(2, args, "", "", ""), BadArgument);
EXPECT_THROW(c1.run(2, args2, "", "", ""), BadArgument);
TEST(Args, Removed)
const char *args1[] = { "program-name", "--removed" };
const char *args2[] = { "program-name", "-r" };
CommandLine c1;
c1.run(2, args1, "", "", "");
c1.run(2, args2, "", "", "");
EXPECT_THROW(c1.run(2, args1, "", "", ""), BadArgument);
EXPECT_THROW(c1.run(2, args2, "", "", ""), BadArgument);
TEST(Args, Defaults)
const char *args1[] = { "program-name", "--enum", "three" };
const char *args2[] = { "program-name" };
CommandLine c1, c2, c3, c4;
c1.run(3, args1, "", "", "");
c2.run(3, args1, "", "", "");
c1.run(1, args2, "", "", "");
c2.run(1, args2, "", "", "");
EXPECT_TRUE(! c3.arg_enum.specified());
EXPECT_TRUE(! c4.arg_enum.specified());
EXPECT_EQ("three", c1.arg_enum.argument());
EXPECT_EQ("three", c2.arg_enum.argument());
EXPECT_EQ("two", c3.arg_enum.argument());
EXPECT_EQ("one", c4.arg_enum.argument());
TEST(Args, StringSet)
const char *args[] = { "program-name", "--stringset", "one", "-t", "two", "-t", "three", "fnord" };
CommandLine c1;
c1.run(8, args, "", "", "");
EXPECT_TRUE(std::find(c1.arg_stringset.begin_args(), c1.arg_stringset.end_args(), "one") != c1.arg_stringset.end_args());
EXPECT_TRUE(std::find(c1.arg_stringset.begin_args(), c1.arg_stringset.end_args(), "two") != c1.arg_stringset.end_args());
EXPECT_TRUE(std::find(c1.arg_stringset.begin_args(), c1.arg_stringset.end_args(), "three") != c1.arg_stringset.end_args());
EXPECT_TRUE(std::find(c1.arg_stringset.begin_args(), c1.arg_stringset.end_args(), "fnord") == c1.arg_stringset.end_args());