Ciaran McCreesh cbbab86a13 Typo
2012-04-02 16:06:51 +01:00

71 lines
2.6 KiB

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<h1>keywords.conf / platforms.conf</h1>
<p>The <code>keywords.conf</code> (Gentoo and derived distributions) or <code>platforms.conf</code> (Exherbo) file
controls which keywords are and are not accepted. It is a standard configuration file which may be a bash file
(<code>keywords.bash</code> or <code>platforms.bash</code>) and which may use the <code>keywords.conf.d/</code> or
<code>platforms.conf.d/</code> directory.</p>
<p>Each line in the file consists of a specification followed by one or more accepted keywords or platforms. A
specification may be any of:</p>
<li>The special specification <code>*/*</code>, which matches all packages. Nearly all users will have at least one
line using this specification.</li>
<li>A simple <code>category/package</code> name.</li>
<li>A simple <code>set</code> name.</li>
<li>A complex dependency specification.</li>
<p>Any token may be quoted using either single or double quotes.</p>
<p>Accepted keywords or platforms are one of:</p>
<li><code>keyword</code>, which accepts any package containing that keyword.</li>
<li><code>~keyword</code>, which accepts any package containing that ~keyword. This does <em>not</em> automatically
accept the regular, non-tilde keyword.</li>
<li><code>*</code>, which accepts any package, including one with empty keywords or platforms.</li>
<li><code>-*</code>, which cancels any previously accepted match (see below).</li>
<p>Accepted keywords or platforms are usually cumulative, so if you have a <code>*/* arch ~arch</code> line, you will
need to use <code>cat/pkg -* arch</code> if you only wish to accept <code>arch</code> for a particular package.</p>
<p>For a system which is mostly stable:</p>
# By default, only accept 'x86' packages
*/* x86
# For the repository named 'paludis-overlay', accept unstable too
*/*::paludis-overlay x86 ~x86
# For these packages, accept unstable too
app-admin/eselect ~x86
app-doc/doxygen ~x86
# For packages in the 'kde' set, accept unstable
kde ~x86
# Accept gcc 4.3 from the toolchain overlay, even if it is unkeyworded
sys-devel/gcc:4.3::toolchain *
<p>For a system which is mostly unstable:</p>
# By default, accept stable and unstable
*/* amd64 ~amd64
# For these packages, accept stable only
sys-devel/gcc -* amd64
sys-libs/glibc -* amd64