Jacob Hrbek 0f6f304e8c Added license
Signed-off-by: Jacob Hrbek <kreyren@fsfe.org>
2021-09-10 12:52:20 +02:00

37 lines
1.8 KiB

#@ Copyright (C) Jacob Hrbek <kreyren@fsfe.org> 08/09/2021-EU released under OpenVolt license <https://git.dotya.ml/OpenVolt/OpenVolt/src/branch/central/LICENSE.md>
###! # Global Keyclock Profile
###! This file sets the bare minimum configuration to deploy keyclock
# WARN(Krey): Has too many issues to fit in our threat model
# WARN(Krey): Do not use for domain/machine-specific configuration
# DND-SECURITY(Krey): Set KeyClock to NOT accept unsecure local connections to avoid tor users messing with server, unless that's expected ?
# DND-SECURITY(Krey): WARN [org.jboss.as.txn] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 51) WFLYTX0013: The node-identifier attribute on the /subsystem=transactions is set to the default value. This is a danger for environments running multiple servers. Please make sure the attribute value is unique.
{ lib, config, ... }: lib.mkIf config.services.keycloak.enable {
# DND-SECURITY(Krey): Handle this safely
# DND-SECURITY(Krey): This is not stored securely
services.keycloak.initialAdminPassword = "dh4sfd65h4s65df4h";
services.keycloak.frontendUrl = "https://" + "keycloak" + config.networking.fqdn + "/login";
# Database
services.keycloak.database = {
# DND-SECURITY(Krey): This has to be handled in a sane and reproducible way
passwordFile = "/var/keys/keycloak/secret_pw_database";
# Certificate
services.keycloak = {
sslCertificate = "/var/lib/acme/" + config.networking.fqdn + "/cert.pem";
sslCertificateKey = "/var/lib/acme/" + config.networking.fqdn + "/key.pem";
# Controller?
# DND-SECURITY(Krey): WARNING : this package is outdated and is known to have vulnerabilities
services.jboss.enable = true;
# # WebServer
# services.nginx.virtualHosts."${config.networking.fqdn}".locations."/login".extraConfig = ''
# proxy_pass;
# '';