332 lines
9.2 KiB
332 lines
9.2 KiB
#include <linux/clk.h>
#include <linux/clk/sunxi.h>
#include <linux/gpio.h>
#include <linux/platform_device.h>
#include <linux/spinlock.h>
#include <linux/scatterlist.h>
#include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/reset.h>
#include <linux/of_address.h>
#include <linux/of_gpio.h>
#include <linux/of_platform.h>
#include <linux/mmc/host.h>
#include <linux/mmc/sd.h>
#include <linux/mmc/sdio.h>
#include <linux/mmc/mmc.h>
#include <linux/mmc/core.h>
#include <linux/mmc/card.h>
#include <linux/mmc/slot-gpio.h>
#ifndef __SUNXI_MMC_H__
#define __SUNXI_MMC_H__
#define DRIVER_NAME "sunxi-smhc"
#define DRIVER_RIVISION "v0.1 2015-7-21 9:55"
#define DRIVER_VERSION "SD/MMC/SDIO Host Controller Driver(" DRIVER_RIVISION ")" \
" Compiled in " __DATE__ " at " __TIME__""
#define MMC_FPGA
#define SMHC_DEVICE_ID (2) //number of id in multi device
//max blk count and size is limited by the SMHC_BLK_CFG register's max value
#define MAX_BLK_COUNT (0xFFFF)
#define MAX_BLK_SIZE (0x800)
/* registers define */
#define SMHC_CMD_ARG2 (0x00)
#define SMHC_BLK_CFG (0x04)
#define SMHC_CMD_ARG1 (0x08)
#define SMHC_CMD (0x0C)
#define SMHC_RESP0 (0x10)
#define SMHC_RESP1 (0x14)
#define SMHC_RESP2 (0x18)
#define SMHC_RESP3 (0x1C)
#define SMHC_BUFF (0x20)
#define SMHC_STA (0x24)
#define SMHC_CTRL1 (0x28)
#define SMHC_RST_CLK_CTRL (0x2C)
#define SMHC_INT_STA (0x30)
#define SMHC_INT_STA_EN (0x34)
#define SMHC_INT_SIG_EN (0x38)
#define SMHC_ACMD_ERR_CTRL2 (0x3C)
#define SMHC_SET_ERR (0x50)
#define SMHC_ADMA_ERR (0x54)
#define SMHC_ADMA_ADDR (0x58)
#define SMHC_CTRL3 (0x200)
#define SMHC_CMD_ATTR (0x204)
#define SMHC_TO_CTRL2 (0x208)
#define SMHC_ATC (0x210)
#define SMHC_RTC (0x214)
#define SMHC_DITC0 (0x218)
#define SMHC_DITC1 (0x21C)
#define SMHC_TP0 (0x220)
#define SMHC_TP1 (0x224)
#define SMHC_CRC_STA (0x240)
#define SMHC_TBC0 (0x244)
#define SMHC_TBC1 (0x248)
#define SMHC_BL (0x24C)
#define SMHC_CEDBN (0x250)
#define smhc_readl(host, reg) \
__raw_readl((host)->reg_base + reg)
#define smhc_writel(host, reg, value) \
__raw_writel((value), (host)->reg_base + reg)
#define smhc_readw(host, reg) \
__raw_readw((host)->reg_base + reg)
#define smhc_writew(host, reg, value) \
__raw_writew((value), (host)->reg_base + reg)
#define smhc_clr_bit(host, reg, bitmap) \
do{ \
u32 tmp = smhc_readl(host,reg); \
tmp &= ~(bitmap); \
smhc_writel(host,reg,tmp); \
#define smhc_set_bit(host, reg, bitmap) \
do{ \
u32 tmp = smhc_readl(host,reg); \
tmp |= (bitmap); \
smhc_writel(host,reg,tmp); \
/* control register bit field */
#define ResetAll (0x1U<<24)
#define ResetCmd (0x1U<<25)
#define ResetDat (0x1U<<26)
#define SdclkEn (0x1U<<2)
#define CPUAcessBuffEn (0x1U<<31)
#define StopReadClkAtBlkGap (0x1U<<8)
#define SWDebounceMode (0x1U<<5)
#define DebounceEnb (0x1U<<4)
#define CdDat3En (0x1U<<3)
#define SdclkIdleCtrl (0x1U<<2)
/* Struct for SMC Commands */
#define CMDType (0x3U<<22)
#define DataExp (0x1U<<21)
#define CheckRspIdx (0x1U<<20)
#define CheckRspCRC (0x1U<<19)
#define NoRsp (0x0U<<16)
#define Rsp136 (0x1U<<16)
#define Rsp48 (0x2U<<16)
#define Rsp48b (0x3U<<16)
#define SingleBlkTrans (0x0U<<5)
#define MultiBlkTrans (0x1U<<5)
#define Read (0x1U<<4)
#define Write (0x0U<<4)
#define AutoCmd12 (0x1U<<2)
#define AutoCmd23 (0x2U<<2)
#define BlkCntEn (0x1U<<1)
#define DMAEn (0x1U<<0)
#define SendInitSeq (0x1U<<4)
#define DisableBoot (0x1U<<3)
#define BootACKExp (0x1U<<2)
#define AltBootMode (0x2U<<0)
#define MandBootMode (0x1U<<0)
#define Switch3v3To1v8 (0x1U<<19)
#define DdrType (0x7<<16)
#define DDR_SHIFT (16)
#define CmdLineSta (0x1U<<24)
#define Dat3LineSta (0x1U<<23)
#define Dat2LineSta (0x1U<<22)
#define Dat1LineSta (0x1U<<21)
#define Dat0LineSta (0x1U<<20)
#define WpPinSta (0x1U<<19)
#define CdPinInvSta (0x1U<<18)
#define CardStable (0x1U<<17)
#define CardInsert (0x1U<<16)
#define BuffRDEn (0x1U<<11)
#define BuffWREn (0x1U<<10)
#define RDTransActive (0x1U<<9)
#define WRTransActive (0x1U<<8)
#define DatLineActive (0x1U<<2)
#define CmdInhibitDat (0x1U<<1)
#define CmdInhibitCmd (0x1U<<0)
#define BootDataStart (0x1U<<29)
#define BootAckRcv (0x1U<<28)
#define DSFOInt (0x1U<<30)
#define DmaErrInt (0x1U<<25)
#define AcmdErrInt (0x1U<<24)
#define DatEndBitErrInt (0x1U<<22)
#define DatCRCErrInt (0x1U<<21)
#define DatTimeoutErrInt (0x1U<<20)
#define CmdIdxErrInt (0x1U<<19)
#define CmdEndBitErrInt (0x1U<<18)
#define CmdCRCErrInt (0x1U<<17)
#define CmdTimeoutErrInt (0x1U<<16)
#define ErrInt (0x1U<<15)
#define CardInt (0x1U<<8)
#define CardRemoveInt (0x1U<<7)
#define CardInsertInt (0x1U<<6)
#define BuffRDRdyInt (0x1U<<5)
#define BuffWRRdyInt (0x1U<<4)
#define DmaInt (0x1U<<3)
//#define BlkGapEvtInt (0x1U<<2)
#define TransOverInt (0x1U<<1)
#define CmdOverInt (0x1U<<0)
#define TxDatIntBit ( DmaInt | TransOverInt | DmaErrInt | ErrInt)
#define RxDatIntBit ( DmaInt | TransOverInt | DmaErrInt | ErrInt)
#define DmaIntBit (DmaInt | DmaErrInt)
#define ErrIntBit (0x437F0000)//(0x1ff<<16)
#define DoneIntBit (TransOverInt|CmdOverInt)
//0x28 SMHC_CTRL1 bit field
#define Dma32BitSel (0x3<<3)
#define DmaSel (0x3<<3)
#define BusWidth (0x1<<1)
#define ExtBusWidth (0x1<<5)
/*0x3C Auto CMD Error Status */
#define NoAcmd12 (0x1U<<7)
#define AcmdIdxErr (0x1U<<4)
#define AcmdEndBitErr (0x1U<<3)
#define AcmdCRCErr (0x1U<<2)
#define AcmdTimeoutErr (0x1U<<1)
#define NotIssueAcmd (0x0<<0)
//#define SMHC_DES_NUM_SHIFT (16)
#define SMHC_DES_NUM_SHIFT (15)
ACT_NOP = 0,
struct sdhc_idma_des{
u32 valid :1, //=1: indicates this line of descriptor is effective. =0: generate ADMA Error interrupt and stop ADMA to prevent runaway.
end :1, //=1: indicates end of descriptor. The Transfer Complete Interrupt is generated when the operation of the descriptor line is completed.
int_en :1, //=1: generates DMA Interrupt when the operation of the descriptor line is completed.
act :2, //00b: Nop, No Operation, Do not execute current line and go to next line.
//01b: rsv, reserved, (Same as Nop. Do not execute current line and go to next line.)
//10b: Tran, transfer data, Transfer data of one descriptor line Transfer data of one descriptor line
//11b: Link, Link Descriptor, Link to another descriptor
length :16;
u32 addr;
struct sunxi_mmc_ctrl_regs {
struct sunxi_mmc_host {
struct mmc_host *mmc;
struct reset_control *reset;
/* IO mapping base */
void __iomem *reg_base;
/* clock management */
struct clk *clk_ahb;
struct clk *clk_mmc;
struct clk *clk_rst;
int (*sunxi_mmc_clk_set_rate)(struct sunxi_mmc_host *host, struct mmc_ios *ios);
/* irq */
spinlock_t lock;
int irq;
u32 int_sum;
u32 sdio_imask;
/* dma */
u32 idma_des_size_bits;
dma_addr_t sg_dma;
void *sg_cpu;
bool wait_dma;
u32 dma_tl;
u64 dma_mask;
void (*sunxi_mmc_thld_ctl )(struct sunxi_mmc_host *host,
struct mmc_ios *ios, struct mmc_data *data);
struct mmc_request *mrq;
struct mmc_request *mrq_busy;
struct mmc_request *manual_stop_mrq;
int ferror;
u32 power_on;
/* pinctrl handles */
struct pinctrl *pinctrl;
struct pinctrl_state *pins_default;
struct pinctrl_state *pins_sleep;
/*sys node*/
struct device_attribute maual_insert;
struct device_attribute *dump_register;
struct device_attribute dump_clk_dly;
void (*sunxi_mmc_dump_dly_table)(struct sunxi_mmc_host *host);
/* backup register structrue */
struct sunxi_mmc_ctrl_regs bak_regs;
void (*sunxi_mmc_save_spec_reg)(struct sunxi_mmc_host *host);
void (*sunxi_mmc_restore_spec_reg)(struct sunxi_mmc_host *host);
void (*sunxi_mmc_set_acmda)(struct sunxi_mmc_host *host);
void (*sunxi_mmc_shutdown)(struct platform_device * pdev);
/*really controller id,no logic id*/
int phy_index;
u32 dat3_imask;