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* drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-sunxi.h
* Copyright (C) 2013 Allwinner.
* Pan Nan <pannan@reuuimllatech.com>
* SUNXI TWI Register Definition
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* 2013.5.3 Mintow <duanmintao@allwinnertech.com>
* Adapt to all the new chip of Allwinner. Support sun8i/sun9i.
#ifndef _SUNXI_I2C_H_
#define _SUNXI_I2C_H_
//#include <mach/platform.h>
#include <linux/regulator/consumer.h>
#define TWI_MODULE_NUM (5)
/* TWI Register Offset */
#define TWI_ADDR_REG (0x00) /* 31:8bit reserved,7-1bit for slave addr,0 bit for GCE */
#define TWI_XADDR_REG (0x04) /* 31:8bit reserved,7-0bit for second addr in 10bit addr */
#define TWI_DATA_REG (0x08) /* 31:8bit reserved, 7-0bit send or receive data byte */
#define TWI_STAT_REG (0x10) /* 28 interrupt types + 0xF8 normal type = 29 */
#define TWI_CLK_REG (0x14) /* 31:7bit reserved,6-3bit,CLK_M,2-0bit CLK_N */
#define TWI_SRST_REG (0x18) /* 31:1bit reserved;0bit,write 1 to clear 0. */
#define TWI_EFR_REG (0x1C) /* 31:2bit reserved,1:0 bit data byte follow read comand */
#define TWI_LCR_REG (0x20) /* 31:6bits reserved 5:0bit for sda&scl control*/
#define TWI_DVFS_REG (0x24) /* 31:3bits reserved 2:0bit for dvfs control. only A10 support. */
/* TWI address register */
#define TWI_GCE_EN (0x1 <<0) /* general call address enable for slave mode */
#define TWI_ADDR_MASK (0x7f<<1) /* 7:1bits */
/* 31:8bits reserved */
/* TWI extend address register */
#define TWI_XADDR_MASK (0xff) /* 7:0bits for extend slave address */
/* 31:8bits reserved */
/* TWI Data register default is 0x0000_0000 */
#define TWI_DATA_MASK (0xff) /* 7:0bits for send or received */
/* TWI Control Register Bit Fields & Masks, default value: 0x0000_0000*/
/* 1:0 bits reserved */
#define TWI_CTL_ACK (0x1<<2) /* set 1 to send A_ACK,then low level on SDA */
#define TWI_CTL_INTFLG (0x1<<3) /* INT_FLAG,interrupt status flag: set '1' when interrupt coming */
#define TWI_CTL_STP (0x1<<4) /* M_STP,Automatic clear 0 */
#define TWI_CTL_STA (0x1<<5) /* M_STA,atutomatic clear 0 */
#define TWI_CTL_BUSEN (0x1<<6) /* BUS_EN, master mode should be set 1.*/
#define TWI_CTL_INTEN (0x1<<7) /* INT_EN */
/* 31:8 bit reserved */
/* TWI Clock Register Bit Fields & Masks,default value:0x0000_0000 */
Fsample = F0 = Fin/2^CLK_N;
F1 = F0/(CLK_M+1);
Foscl = F1/10 = Fin/(2^CLK_N * (CLK_M+1)*10);
Foscl is clock SCL;standard mode:100KHz or fast mode:400KHz
#define TWI_CLK_DIV_M (0xF<<3) /* 6:3bit */
#define TWI_CLK_DIV_N (0x7<<0) /* 2:0bit */
/* TWI Soft Reset Register Bit Fields & Masks */
#define TWI_SRST_SRST (0x1<<0) /* write 1 to clear 0, when complete soft reset clear 0 */
/* TWI Enhance Feature Register Bit Fields & Masks */
/* default -- 0x0 */
#define TWI_EFR_MASK (0x3<<0)/* 00:no,01: 1byte, 10:2 bytes, 11: 3bytes */
#define TWI_EFR_WARC_0 (0x0<<0)
#define TWI_EFR_WARC_1 (0x1<<0)
#define TWI_EFR_WARC_2 (0x2<<0)
#define TWI_EFR_WARC_3 (0x3<<0)
/* twi line control register -default value: 0x0000_003a */
#define TWI_LCR_SDA_EN (0x01<<0) /* SDA line state control enable ,1:enable;0:disable */
#define TWI_LCR_SDA_CTL (0x01<<1) /* SDA line state control bit, 1:high level;0:low level */
#define TWI_LCR_SCL_EN (0x01<<2) /* SCL line state control enable ,1:enable;0:disable */
#define TWI_LCR_SCL_CTL (0x01<<3) /* SCL line state control bit, 1:high level;0:low level */
#define TWI_LCR_SDA_STATE_MASK (0x01<<4) /* current state of SDA,readonly bit */
#define TWI_LCR_SCL_STATE_MASK (0x01<<5) /* current state of SCL,readonly bit */
/* 31:6bits reserved */
#define TWI_LCR_IDLE_STATUS (0x3a)
/* TWI Status Register Bit Fields & Masks */
#define TWI_STAT_MASK (0xff)
/* 7:0 bits use only,default is 0xF8 */
#define TWI_STAT_BUS_ERR (0x00) /* BUS ERROR */
/* Master mode use only */
#define TWI_STAT_TX_STA (0x08) /* START condition transmitted */
#define TWI_STAT_TX_RESTA (0x10) /* Repeated START condition transmitted */
#define TWI_STAT_TX_AW_ACK (0x18) /* Address+Write bit transmitted, ACK received */
#define TWI_STAT_TX_AW_NAK (0x20) /* Address+Write bit transmitted, ACK not received */
#define TWI_STAT_TXD_ACK (0x28) /* data byte transmitted in master mode,ack received */
#define TWI_STAT_TXD_NAK (0x30) /* data byte transmitted in master mode ,ack not received */
#define TWI_STAT_ARBLOST (0x38) /* arbitration lost in address or data byte */
#define TWI_STAT_TX_AR_ACK (0x40) /* Address+Read bit transmitted, ACK received */
#define TWI_STAT_TX_AR_NAK (0x48) /* Address+Read bit transmitted, ACK not received */
#define TWI_STAT_RXD_ACK (0x50) /* data byte received in master mode ,ack transmitted */
#define TWI_STAT_RXD_NAK (0x58) /* date byte received in master mode,not ack transmitted */
/* Slave mode use only */
#define TWI_STAT_RXWS_ACK (0x60) /* Slave address+Write bit received, ACK transmitted */
#define TWI_STAT_RXGCAS_ACK (0x70) /* General Call address received, ACK transmitted */
#define TWI_STAT_RXDS_ACK (0x80)
#define TWI_STAT_RXDS_NAK (0x88)
#define TWI_STAT_RXDGCAS_ACK (0x90)
#define TWI_STAT_RXDGCAS_NAK (0x98)
#define TWI_STAT_RXRS_ACK (0xA8)
/* 10bit Address, second part of address */
#define TWI_STAT_TX_SAW_ACK (0xD0) /* Second Address byte+Write bit transmitted,ACK received */
#define TWI_STAT_TX_SAW_NAK (0xD8) /* Second Address byte+Write bit transmitted,ACK not received */
#define TWI_STAT_IDLE (0xF8) /* No relevant status infomation,INT_FLAG = 0 */
/* status or interrupt source */
* Code Status
* 00h Bus error
* 08h START condition transmitted
* 10h Repeated START condition transmitted
* 18h Address + Write bit transmitted, ACK received
* 20h Address + Write bit transmitted, ACK not received
* 28h Data byte transmitted in master mode, ACK received
* 30h Data byte transmitted in master mode, ACK not received
* 38h Arbitration lost in address or data byte
* 40h Address + Read bit transmitted, ACK received
* 48h Address + Read bit transmitted, ACK not received
* 50h Data byte received in master mode, ACK transmitted
* 58h Data byte received in master mode, not ACK transmitted
* 60h Slave address + Write bit received, ACK transmitted
* 68h Arbitration lost in address as master, slave address + Write bit received, ACK transmitted
* 70h General Call address received, ACK transmitted
* 78h Arbitration lost in address as master, General Call address received, ACK transmitted
* 80h Data byte received after slave address received, ACK transmitted
* 88h Data byte received after slave address received, not ACK transmitted
* 90h Data byte received after General Call received, ACK transmitted
* 98h Data byte received after General Call received, not ACK transmitted
* A0h STOP or repeated START condition received in slave mode
* A8h Slave address + Read bit received, ACK transmitted
* B0h Arbitration lost in address as master, slave address + Read bit received, ACK transmitted
* B8h Data byte transmitted in slave mode, ACK received
* C0h Data byte transmitted in slave mode, ACK not received
* C8h Last byte transmitted in slave mode, ACK received
* D0h Second Address byte + Write bit transmitted, ACK received
* D8h Second Address byte + Write bit transmitted, ACK not received
* F8h No relevant status information or no interrupt
/* TWI mode select */
#define TWI_MASTER_MODE (1)
#define TWI_SLAVE_MODE (0) /* seldom use */
/* The global infor of TWI channel. */
#define SUNXI_TWI_DEV_NAME "twi"
#define SUNXI_TWI_CHAN_MASK(ch) (1<<ch)
struct sunxi_i2c_platform_data {
int bus_num;
unsigned int frequency;
char regulator_id[16];
struct regulator *regulator;
#endif /* end of _SUNXI_I2C_H_ */