* Clock bindings for Freescale i.MX6 Quad

Required properties:
- compatible: Should be "fsl,imx6q-ccm"
- reg: Address and length of the register set
- interrupts: Should contain CCM interrupt
- #clock-cells: Should be <1>

The clock consumer should specify the desired clock by having the clock
ID in its "clocks" phandle cell.  The following is a full list of i.MX6Q
clocks and IDs.

	Clock			ID
	dummy			0
	ckil			1
	ckih			2
	osc			3
	pll2_pfd0_352m		4
	pll2_pfd1_594m		5
	pll2_pfd2_396m		6
	pll3_pfd0_720m		7
	pll3_pfd1_540m		8
	pll3_pfd2_508m		9
	pll3_pfd3_454m		10
	pll2_198m		11
	pll3_120m		12
	pll3_80m		13
	pll3_60m		14
	twd			15
	step			16
	pll1_sw			17
	periph_pre		18
	periph2_pre		19
	periph_clk2_sel		20
	periph2_clk2_sel	21
	axi_sel			22
	esai_sel		23
	asrc_sel		24
	spdif_sel		25
	gpu2d_axi		26
	gpu3d_axi		27
	gpu2d_core_sel		28
	gpu3d_core_sel		29
	gpu3d_shader_sel	30
	ipu1_sel		31
	ipu2_sel		32
	ldb_di0_sel		33
	ldb_di1_sel		34
	ipu1_di0_pre_sel	35
	ipu1_di1_pre_sel	36
	ipu2_di0_pre_sel	37
	ipu2_di1_pre_sel	38
	ipu1_di0_sel		39
	ipu1_di1_sel		40
	ipu2_di0_sel		41
	ipu2_di1_sel		42
	hsi_tx_sel		43
	pcie_axi_sel		44
	ssi1_sel		45
	ssi2_sel		46
	ssi3_sel		47
	usdhc1_sel		48
	usdhc2_sel		49
	usdhc3_sel		50
	usdhc4_sel		51
	enfc_sel		52
	emi_sel			53
	emi_slow_sel		54
	vdo_axi_sel		55
	vpu_axi_sel		56
	cko1_sel		57
	periph			58
	periph2			59
	periph_clk2		60
	periph2_clk2		61
	ipg			62
	ipg_per			63
	esai_pred		64
	esai_podf		65
	asrc_pred		66
	asrc_podf		67
	spdif_pred		68
	spdif_podf		69
	can_root		70
	ecspi_root		71
	gpu2d_core_podf		72
	gpu3d_core_podf		73
	gpu3d_shader		74
	ipu1_podf		75
	ipu2_podf		76
	ldb_di0_podf		77
	ldb_di1_podf		78
	ipu1_di0_pre		79
	ipu1_di1_pre		80
	ipu2_di0_pre		81
	ipu2_di1_pre		82
	hsi_tx_podf		83
	ssi1_pred		84
	ssi1_podf		85
	ssi2_pred		86
	ssi2_podf		87
	ssi3_pred		88
	ssi3_podf		89
	uart_serial_podf	90
	usdhc1_podf		91
	usdhc2_podf		92
	usdhc3_podf		93
	usdhc4_podf		94
	enfc_pred		95
	enfc_podf		96
	emi_podf		97
	emi_slow_podf		98
	vpu_axi_podf		99
	cko1_podf		100
	axi			101
	mmdc_ch0_axi_podf	102
	mmdc_ch1_axi_podf	103
	arm			104
	ahb			105
	apbh_dma		106
	asrc			107
	can1_ipg		108
	can1_serial		109
	can2_ipg		110
	can2_serial		111
	ecspi1			112
	ecspi2			113
	ecspi3			114
	ecspi4			115
	ecspi5			116
	enet			117
	esai			118
	gpt_ipg			119
	gpt_ipg_per		120
	gpu2d_core		121
	gpu3d_core		122
	hdmi_iahb		123
	hdmi_isfr		124
	i2c1			125
	i2c2			126
	i2c3			127
	iim			128
	enfc			129
	ipu1			130
	ipu1_di0		131
	ipu1_di1		132
	ipu2			133
	ipu2_di0		134
	ldb_di0			135
	ldb_di1			136
	ipu2_di1		137
	hsi_tx			138
	mlb			139
	mmdc_ch0_axi		140
	mmdc_ch1_axi		141
	ocram			142
	openvg_axi		143
	pcie_axi		144
	pwm1			145
	pwm2			146
	pwm3			147
	pwm4			148
	per1_bch		149
	gpmi_bch_apb		150
	gpmi_bch		151
	gpmi_io			152
	gpmi_apb		153
	sata			154
	sdma			155
	spba			156
	ssi1			157
	ssi2			158
	ssi3			159
	uart_ipg		160
	uart_serial		161
	usboh3			162
	usdhc1			163
	usdhc2			164
	usdhc3			165
	usdhc4			166
	vdo_axi			167
	vpu_axi			168
	cko1			169
	pll1_sys		170
	pll2_bus		171
	pll3_usb_otg		172
	pll4_audio		173
	pll5_video		174
	pll8_mlb		175
	pll7_usb_host		176
	pll6_enet		177
	ssi1_ipg		178
	ssi2_ipg		179
	ssi3_ipg		180
	rom			181
	usbphy1			182
	usbphy2			183
	ldb_di0_div_3_5		184
	ldb_di1_div_3_5		185
	sata_ref		186
	sata_ref_100m		187
	pcie_ref		188
	pcie_ref_125m		189
	enet_ref		190
	usbphy1_gate		191
	usbphy2_gate		192
	pll4_post_div		193
	pll5_post_div		194
	pll5_video_div		195


clks: ccm@020c4000 {
	compatible = "fsl,imx6q-ccm";
	reg = <0x020c4000 0x4000>;
	interrupts = <0 87 0x04 0 88 0x04>;
	#clock-cells = <1>;

uart1: serial@02020000 {
	compatible = "fsl,imx6q-uart", "fsl,imx21-uart";
	reg = <0x02020000 0x4000>;
	interrupts = <0 26 0x04>;
	clocks = <&clks 160>, <&clks 161>;
	clock-names = "ipg", "per";
	status = "disabled";