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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Xunit;
using Moq;
using UTB.Eshop.Web.Areas.Security.Controllers;
using UTB.Eshop.Web.Controllers;
using UTB.Eshop.Web.Models.ApplicationServices.Abstraction;
using UTB.Eshop.Web.Models.ViewModels;
namespace UTB.Eshop.Tests
public class AccountControllerTests
public async Task Login_ValidSuccess()
// Arrange
var mockISecurityApplicationService = new Mock<ISecurityApplicationService>();
mockISecurityApplicationService.Setup(security => security.Login(It.IsAny<LoginViewModel>()))
//první verze, kdy prostě řekneme, že login projde a hotovo :-)
//.Returns(() => Task<bool>.Run(() => true));
//druhá verze, kdy si můžeme testovat, co je v LoginViewModel:
.Returns<LoginViewModel>((loginVM) => {return Task<bool>.Run(() =>
if (loginVM.Username == "superadmin" && loginVM.Password == "123")
{ return true; }
{ return false; }
LoginViewModel loginViewModel = new LoginViewModel()
Username = "superadmin",
Password = "123"
AccountController controller = new AccountController(mockISecurityApplicationService.Object);
//pokud chci vypnout validaci, tak nenastavuju ObjectValidator
//(je to na vás, jak to u Unit Testů uděláte, ale pokud v controlleru používáte TryValidateModel(model), tak jej nějak nastavit musíte ... stejně tak pokud chcete testovat případ, kdy objekt není validní)
//controller.ObjectValidator = new ObjectValidator();
IActionResult iActionResult = null;
iActionResult = await controller.Login(loginViewModel);
// Assert
RedirectToActionResult redirect = Assert.IsType<RedirectToActionResult>(iActionResult);
Assert.Matches(redirect.ActionName, nameof(HomeController.Index));
Assert.Matches(redirect.ControllerName, nameof(HomeController).Replace("Controller", String.Empty));
Assert.Matches(redirect.RouteValues.Single((pair) => pair.Key == "area").Value.ToString(), String.Empty);