2019-12-01 13:24:53 +01:00

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\title{\Huge{Han Xin barcode}}
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\institute{TIK 2019, VTI, S1}
\section{History and Development}
\item Rapid growth of Chinese economy in the 90s
\item Barcoding standards at the time were QR and PDF417
\item Unable to accomodate Chinese language efficiently
\item New standard required for efficient encoding of Chinese
\item GS1 China starts working on "Chinese Sensible" coding algorithm
\item Joint effort of major Chinese AIDC corporations
\item GS1 China applies for several patents
\item An encoding algorithm is completed in 2007 and named after the great general Han Xin
\item Several patent applications in connection to the alogrithm
\item Barcode standardized as China State Standard and later also by ISO as the only Chinese 2D code
\item Barcode is released into public domain to encourage widespread adoption
\item Common Chinese characters are encoded in 12 bits
\item Capacity:
\item up to 2174 Chinese characters
\item up to 3261 binary bytes
\item up to 4350 ASCII characters
\item up to 7827 numeric characters
\item Multiple data types in the same symbol
\item Solomon-Reed error correction algorithm
\item Four selectable levels of error correction
\item Highest level ensures readability with up to 30\% of the symbol damaged
\item 84 possible sizes (or versions, 1 through 84)
\item Smallest version 1 is 23x23 modules (or "pixels")
\item Largest version is 189x189 modules
\captionof{figure}{Versions of Han Xin barcode. From left to right: version 1, version 10, version 30, version 50, version 70 and version 84, all with EC level 2}
\captionof{figure}{Han Xin symbol anatomy}
\item Chevron shaped finder patterns in all corners
\item Zigzag alignment pattern in barcodes of version $\geq$ 4
\item Format and EC information in corners around the finder patterns
\item Quiet zone of at least three modules
\section{Application and comparison}
\item Applied in Chinese offices and industry
\item Domestic post
\item State offices
\item Domestic payment systems
\item Printing industry
\item Domestic heavy industry
\item Domestic transportation
\item Manufacturing relies more on the international standard DataMatrix
\begin{frame}{Comparison to QR}
\item Similar technology
\item Han Xin is a sort of extension to Chinese alphabet
\item Exactly same EC algorithm
\item More efficient patterning in QR
\item Han Xin slightly slower to recognize
\item Less efficient encoding in Han Xin
\item Han Xin does not support GS1 ENC1
\item While relatively well suited for domestic market, little reason for international adoption
\LARGE{Thank you for your attention!}
\item \href{http://www.ancc.org.cn/GS1ChinaEN/GS1ChinaENTest/hanxincode.aspx}{GS1 China English website}
\item \href{http://www.ancc.org.cn/Knowledge/BarcodeArticle.aspx?codeId=7&id=260}{GS1 China Chinese website (Chinese)}
\item \href{https://blog.csdn.net/marshou/article/details/79623752}{Blog comparing QR and Han Xin technology (Chinese)}
\item \href{https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5209234}{IEEE paper on Han Xin decoding algorithms}
\item \href{https://barcodeguide.seagullscientific.com/Content/Symbologies/Han_Xin.htm}{Seagull Scientific:} basic symbology info